Un perico preadolecente mexicano que nació en el circo de pájaros de su familia. Cuco da por hecho que su vida en el circo siempre será igual. En vez de escuchar a su padre, Cuco prefiere ver su programa favorito de Estados Unidos, "El Americano, las aventuras de un súper perico". Pero cuando Cuco se aventura al norte con destino a Hollywood, en búsqued de su héroe, aprende a ser uno él mismo.
Gayo es el papá de Cuco y es el presentador y dueño del circo familiar. Como todo padre mexicano tradicional, es estricto con su hijo y defensor de las tradiciones del circo. Sin embargo, es más feliz cuando la pasión de su hijo por el progreso le permite trabajar junto con él.

La mamá de Cuco también trabaja en el circo familiar como asistente del mago Divino.

With her kind words and a loving touch, Lori helps and keep things moving smoothly both behind the scenes at the circus and also at home. When all seems lost, her smile gives hope to Gayo that all will be okay in the end. Her faith and emotional strength counters any hotheaded brashness thrown her way.

Martin es un viejo rival del Circo Silbidos. Ha estado ausente y fue prácticamente olvidado después de que su puesto como líder del circo fuera ocupado por Gayo, el papá de Cuco.

Cuando Martin regresa para retar a Gayo y tomar nuevamente "la capa" y el liderazgo del circo, Gayo se ve forzado a competir por el título una vez más. Martín no juega limpio y su maldad inspira a Cuco a ir más allá y buscar la ayuda de su super héroe favorito de la televisión: El Americano.

Rayito es una bella colibrí que se encuentra atrapada entre el bien y el mal.

En principio, es leal a Martín, el malvado pájaro que la crió, pero no duda en hacer lo correcto y lo justo por su nuevo amigo, Cuco.

Un búho místico con aires de grandiosidad, es el mago del circo familiar.

Divino realiza su magia con la ayuda de su asistente García, un pájaro un tanto torpe al que le tiene poca paciencia. Como es uno de los mayores en el Árbol Genealógico, Divino también es el guía espiritual y usa su tercer ojo para decifrar las indicaciones y ayudar a Cuco y sus amigos en su viaje a Hollywood para encontrar a "El Americano"

Como el "hermano número dos", Vovo podría ser el palomo más bajo de estatura y más tonto, pero demuestra ser un tosco bravucón con su propio derecho. No hay nada peor que un tonto frustrado y Vovo es todo un caso.

Además de estar recibiendo constantes críticas de su hermano mayor, Dovo, el pequeño Vovo vive en miedo constante de su siniestro jefe, Martin, y de su guarda espaldas personal, Ash, un buitre malvado que parece una torre al lado del pequeño pájaro.

Con toda esa presión, Vovo descarga su ira contenida en todos los demás que se atraviesen en su camino.

Always on the move, this Southern California surf rat loves to ride his surfboard to the closest beach with killer waves. Karl knows the ins and outs of S.D. to T.J. so he is one dude to get to know —one that will help his pals get out of any jam.

 Karl seems to know practically everybody, but this rat won't stick around for long. After the party's over Karl is off, paddling out to shoot the curl and ride the waves from Mexico to Malibu and beyond.
Tougher than tough, Agent Wingstall is one American eagle that could teach the meanest drill sergeant a thing or two!

The chief border guard on the American side of the animal border, Agent Windstall has the supreme authority over who is allowed to cross the line into the U.S of A.
This armadillo luchador presides as ruler of a makeshift wrestling ring that Cuco and friends happen upon on their quest.

In the ensuing battle,Tueno teaches Cuco the lucha libre fighting style, as well as lessons on how to be a generous leader.
Paquito is a yellow canary and Cuco's best friend.

He's noble, kind and responsible and serves as Cuco's conscience. He doesn't speak, but Cuco understands his various emotional whistles and interprets for the rest of the circus crew.
A nervous, tall and gangly Stork, Garcia is the great owl Divino's assistant and friend to little parrot Cuco.

Garcia is fiercely loyal, but a fear of heights that slows Cuco down on their journey. Despite that fact, Garcia is always good for comic relief and comes through for Cuco from beginning to end.
A big lunkhead of a pigeon, Dovo works as muscle for supreme bad guy, Martin Kingfisher. Along with his younger brother, Vovo, the Palomos are two minions that together are just as mean as they are dumb. Dovo is the older, taller and meaner of the pair.

He asserts his authority over his little bro by slapping him upside the headand poking him for any perceived slight-- though these violent gestures seem affectionate compared to the cruelty that he and his brother inflict on their unfortunate victims.
As a TV star in the 80s, Eddie Navarro portrayed manymemorable roles, but none surpassed his most successful run as the super crime-fighting parrot, El Americano. He still enjoys adulation from fans around the world, and was quite the romantic off screen.

In fact, his Cuban flamingo girlfriend, Chatis, still has a soft spot in her heart for "Dear Eddie." Eddie Navarro continues to enjoy a lavish lifestyle in his Hollywood hills bird-house mansion where he enjoys listening to the music that was huge when he was a star (the BeeGees) and throwing daytime pool parties.
A former movie star from the Hollywood scene, Lucille is now in charge of the San Diego Zoo bird sanctuary and she is a key player in Cuco's journey.

Her head strong, "make it happen" personality has earned her the respect of all the birds at the zoo, and stolen many hearts in Hollywood, including superstars such as the mighty El Americano.
With a colorful personality, El Mexicano is a high energy rooster who loves selling his delicious products which includes a variety of cheeses, tortillas and other mexican goods.

El Mexicano carries his stand with him to all places, always passionate to sell his products to the hungry crowds.